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Monday, May 9, 2022 Q&A LIVE #18 with David Lemon - Sneak Peek into GroovePages 2.0 and Team Member Management Q&A LIVE #18 with David Lemon - Sneak Peek into GroovePages 2.0 and Team Member Management

Join us LIVE on our Q&A at 12pm EST / 6pm CET - where you get a chance to have your questions answered LIVE by David Lemon - the product experience manager in Groove. 

Today, we'll be taking a sneak peek into GroovePages 2.0 and some new cool functionalities from other apps before the questions

If you have any questions, add them in the comments below 👇👇👇  so they get answered LIVE.


0:00 – INTRO

2:55 – Agenda

5:42 – GroovePages 2.0

9:53 – RazorPay and Payment Gateways in India

12:47 – GrooveMail

13:57 – GrooveMember

14:16 – GrooveWebinar

15:55 – Other Updates

17:09 – GroovePages 2.0 Sneak Peek

37:15 – Team Member Management Sneak Peek

44:34 – How to create and connect an Amazon S3 account on GrooveVideo for free users?

45:50 – How not to give access to either a module, lesson, or chapter with the Access Levels?

47:54 – How to scroll right within Access Levels?

49:18 – How to access Closem in GroovePages?

51:19 – When will Pabbly work with Groove?

52:11 – When can I add customers via API, Pabbly, or other third party apps?

56:16 – Will there be a GrooveWebinar feature where a certain block or element in GroovePages will show after the user plays until a certain part of the video?

59:44 – How to give access to my courses in GrooveMember?

1:01:52 – After changing the domain name in the admin area, do I need to go into each product funnel and change the sales page and thank you page URLs?

1:04:30 – Does GrooveVideo integrate with GrooveKart?

1:05:45 – When is the next big Groove launch to help affiliate marketers make more cash in their bank accounts?

1:08:22 – Will new templates continue to be added when GroovePages 2.0 comes out?

1:12:19 – Do I have to refresh my dashboard for the update?

1:13:04 – Will Groove have a feature where smaller devices will automatically resize without having to go into each of the devices to resize them?

1:14:59 – Is there any way to have different categories or subjects of courses within a membership?

1:23:12 – Will I be able to edit the sitemap.xml file?

1:24:17 – What is the difference between the value of the lifetime plan and currently the highest value plan?

1:27:00 – When will draft mode in GrooveMember 2.0 be available?

1:27:36 – How to insert photos inside a container in GroovePages?

1:29:14 – Is embedding working now?

1:29:38 – Is there a way I can have access to the Groove livestream intro song?

1:30:39 – How to divide my courses into different categories in GrooveMember?

1:32:40 – Can the GroovePages picture functionality be available in GrooveMember 2.0?

1:35:00 – OUTRO

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