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Monday, May 9, 2022 Q&A LIVE #16 with David Lemon Q&A LIVE #16 with David Lemon

Join us LIVE on our Q&A at 1pm EST / 6pm CET - where you get a chance to have your questions answered LIVE by David Lemon - the product experience manager in Groove. 

If you have any questions, add them in the comments below 👇👇👇  so they get answered LIVE.


0:00 – INTRO

5:40 – Some Groove Updates

       9:25 – GroovePages

       20:17 - GrooveMail

24:11 – What is GrooveMail SMTP?

31:11 - GrooveSell

       31:51 – GrooveKart

35:00 – Are global elements or blocks slightly delayed due to the situation?

36:35 – How many emails can I connect to GrooveMail SMTP?

37:05 – Will there be an SMS sender in GrooveMail SMTP?

37:24 – When will the dashboard analytics for GroovePages get updated?

40:20 – Is there a bug in saving the edits in creating a mega menu?

40:53 – When are the new Groove plans Mike announced in February coming out?

43:58 – Is there an embed code feature available in GrooveMember 2.0?

46:00 – How close is Groove in having enhanced options for designing emails?

46:15 – Do I need to create a product in GrooveSell then set-up a GrooveAffiliate if I have a website in WordPress with courses and products?

47:30 – When can I expect RazorPay as a payment gateway?

48:00 – Are there any plans to add 2-Factor Authentication for login on to my account?

49:07 – How does Groove track Earnings per Click (EPC) if they come back to my upsell page later?

50:18 – Is the new “abandon cart” automation trigger effective with both one step and multi-step checkout forms?

50:42 – Are there any updates on being able to send dynamic variables in webhook data in GrooveSell?

55:35 – How can I use Groove to start my own agency?

1:01:10 – Will Groove ever integrate with Square?

1:01:55 – When will all the apps all work seamlessly?

1:04:08 – When will GrooveVideo have a forward/rewind feature?

1:05:53 – What is the difference between ClickFunnels and GrooveFunnels?

1:08:30 – Does Groove have an alignment tool that can be used on each page to align text and image containers inside of a multi-column layout?

1:09:26 – GrooveKart Editor Demo

1:12:55 – Any insights when it comes to GrooveSurvey?

1:14:02 – Can you tell us how many paid users there are?

1:15:22 – How to integrate GrooveSell with Facebook Conversion pixels?

1:19:30 – Is there a plan to allow for the organization of images in the library?

1:20:00 – If I provide a payment place for a physical product, that product is dispatched and then the customer stops paying for it, how would I get the money?

1:22:00 – Are the global blocks per site or across all sites?

1:23:00 - Are there any changes for GrooveWebinar?

1:27:55 – Will there be more GroovePages templates added?

1:31:12 – Will there be an agency feature for premium members that will allow for websites to be built for clients where they can be provided with their own log-in details?

1:33:58 – Which apps inside Groove are the most complete?

1:34:53 – If I set the video in YouTube to private, will the link still show in GrooveVideo when the Groove Page is live?

1:35:50 – When will I be able to provide my team (VA) with their own log-in?

1:37:05 – How to fix alignment issues when changing fonts or images in GroovePages?

1:37:37 – Is there a template or tool that tells me the best sizes of images for containers or pages?

1:41:18 – Are the number of email contacts per website under my account or for the entire account regardless of the amount of websites that are in there?

1:43:15 – Will the agency feature be included for premium users?

1:43:49 – Is there a way to make a video lightbox effect so when the video is clicked for play it becomes bigger?

1:44:55 – When I use 2 or more columns, how can I force it to stack instead of being side by side on a horizontal tablet?

1:45:45 – Where can I search and view the latest tutorial on how to build my first Groove page step by step?

1:49:25 – Can I publish 20 pages on a single domain in GroovePages?

1:50:11 – OUTRO

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