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Monday, May 9, 2022 Q&A LIVE #09 with David Lemon Q&A LIVE #09 with David Lemon

Join us LIVE on our Q&A where you get a chance to have your questions answered LIVE by David Lemon - the product experience manager in Groove. 

If you have any questions, add them in the comments below 👇👇👇  so they get answered LIVE.

0:00 – INTRO
8:58 – When will the Indian payment gateways be available?
10:56 – Is the password and username for the tripwire product only used internally with Groove?
15:35 – What is the best way to make an affiliate program that has already got buyers in the system?
21:28 – If I have products set-up in my master product list, how do I fulfill a single invoice that has two or more suppliers’ products on it?
28:52 – Should each funnel have a separate domain?
30:36 – What is the impact of the changes for the free members?
33:20 – Can I only use one custom domain and choose between connecting this domain to GroovePages, or GrooveKart, or GrooveBlog?
35:55 – Will there be any interconnectivity between and GrooveFunnels Brazil?
38:40 – Is GrooveMember included in the new monthly plans?
39:27 – What do I do after getting the lifetime deal?
45:30 – What can I look forward to in March with Groove?
46:48 – When will I get the new links for the free and paid options?
47:56 – Will I be able to export the participants in GrooveWebinar?
49:31 – Will there be additional users and SMTP in the second quarter?
51:17 – How do I set-up GrooveWebinar?
53:10 – Is GrooveMail functional with SMTP?
56:50 – Will the unique links track who the lead comes from and redirect to the original GroovePages?
59:36 – How do I install an SSL Certificate inside of Groove without using CloudFlare?
59:54 – Can I not require the country and region in setting-up a tripwire?
1:04:19 – Will GrooveSell Plus be available to all countries so they can accept payments without having to go through the hassle of dealing with payment gateways?
1:10:10 – Can I track other affiliates on Groove?
1:10:38 – Will all the apps be implemented by December?
1:12:07 – What is Butterfly Marketing?
1:14:35 – Does Microsoft 365 Business Cloud Email System qualify for use as an outbound SMTP email marketing?
1:15:57 – What is the schedule with the GrooveKart training with Jhon and Frank?
1:16:34 – How can I re-use the domains of deleted GrooveKart stores?
1:20:25 – When will the new blog layouts be available?
1:20:39 – Where do I find how many of the leads I sent to Groove actually registered?
1:21:35 – Are there any plans for adding tracking like ClickMagick has?
1:22:05 – Can I import HTML templates in GroovePages?
1:22:55 – When will I be able to integrate GrooveMail with other apps?
1:24:20 – When will live zoom-like classes be available within Groove?
1:26:59 – Is there any plan to have a full edit feature for the GrooveKart navigation menu?
1:27:25 – Can users who have customers in the EU add their customers’ email into Groove before Q2 or do you recommend waiting due to EU GDPR rules?
1:29:40 – OUTRO

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