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Monday, May 9, 2022 Q&A LIVE #15 with David Lemon Q&A LIVE #15 with David Lemon

Join us LIVE on our Q&A at 1pm EST / 6pm CET - where you get a chance to have your questions answered LIVE by David Lemon - the product experience manager in Groove. 

If you have any questions, add them in the comments below 👇👇👇  so they get answered LIVE.


0:00 – INTRO

6:41 – How to delete imported email lists in GrooveMail?

10:19 – How to remove the gutter between two containers in GroovePages?

11:45 – How can I do affiliate marketing using GrooveSell for app downloads in Google Playstore or iOS app downloads?

16:05 – What is the affiliate commission rate for people who join the silver account? Do they get 40% also with 10% on the 2nd tier?

16:15 – How to set-up a specific prepay option in GrooveSell?

22:03 – Is there a place in Groove where I can go to see when I will receive a payout from affiliate commissions earned?

23:16 – How to use GrooveSell to track clicks on a blog in GrooveBlog?

30:20 – If I enter a funnel for a tripwire offer, leave it for a webinar in-between those two pages and come back into the funnel for the product page upsell, is that seen as a second “hit”?

33:11 – Are the new pricing plans out?

37:40 – How to change the button color on a form in GrooveMail when I use it for GroovePages?

39:03 – Is Groove going to have an automated invoicing system for tax purposes?

45:52 – How to fix issues with the submit button on the GrooveMail form container?

49:38 – How to fix issues with the Zapier integration with GrooveMail?

51:32 – How to set-up the enable Facebook Conversion API option in GrooveSell?

54:03 – Is the SMTP live?

56:59 – Why can I not use GrooveVideo as the source video for the video element instead of YouTube or Vimeo?

57:58 – What was the font finder you used?

59:17 – How to add a mega menu to the navigation bar?

1:05:40 – Can you update the timeline release for further Groove apps?

1:07:40 – Are there daily send restrictions with the Groove SMTP?

1:09:38 – How to fix issues with the GrooveKart video element?

1:11:20 – Can I set-up a group with recurring charge and a butterfly marketing affiliate program that tracks free members and pays the affiliate recurring commission when they upgrade to different levels?

1:13:11 – When will the portal connectivity with GrooveMember 2.0 be available?

1:13:33 – How can I send a template design in Groove to another person?

1:17:15 – Can funnels made on ClickFunnels be imported to Groove?

1:19:24 – Where do I add the price point values within GrooveSell?

1:22:45 – Can I generate a client’s username and password so that they can manage the webpage or funnel I previously designed?

1:29:00 – How soon will GrooveVideo be added as a source aside from YouTube and Vimeo?

1:33:24 – When I link a button on my page to a website when I click the button, should it go to the website before I publish?

1:37:37 – How to fix issues when adding a membership to a portal?

1:27:58 – When will the PayStack payment gateway be available?

1:38:19 – Will Groove have something similar to the 2Comma club award?

1:39:34 – What happens if I also give the submit button in a form in GrooveMail a direction in GroovePages?

1:40:24 – Can I play the YouTube video at a certain time in the video in GrooveKart?

1:40:47 – Is there a Groove for dummies playlist on YouTube?

1:45:07 – What is the difference between static percentage and parent percentage when using size?

1:53:50 – What is the philosophy behind GrooveMember 1.0 and 2.0?

1:58:41 – Is there a way to make my landing page show up when my name is Googled?

2:03:27 – How can I duplicate a page that I built in GrooveKart?

2:06:50 – OUTRO

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