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Saturday, April 16, 2022 Q&A LIVE #02 with David Lemon Q&A LIVE #02 with David Lemon

Join us LIVE on our Q&A where you get a chance to have your questions answered LIVE by David Lemon - the product experience manager in Groove. 

If you have any questions, add them in the comments below so they get answered LIVE.


0:00 – INTRO

5:40 – Some Groove Updates

10:50 – What is the meaning of type, field identifier, field label, field option and default value?

15:14 – When the lifetime account ends, will Groove be coming out of beta?

17:58 – How to configure a time delay in a sequence inside GrooveMail?

20:28 – How to fix issues with publishing pages?

21:26 – Is there a workaround in creating a new website through a template in GroovePages?

22:56 – Will there be a search bar on the members section in GrooveMember 2.0?

24:40 – How to add a dropdown list in the megamenu on mobile devices?

25:54 – How to make each page in the navigation change color in hover mode?

26:45 – Is the portal going away from GrooveMember?

28:39 – Can the feature in sequences that allows a user to send on a particular day be brought back?

29:42 – When will the issues in the feature request part of the account feedback be fixed?

32:01 – Is the custom landing pages feature available for use?

35:49 – When can users upload audios to GrooveMember?

37:15 – How can I manage the domain in CloudFlare and add it to Groove?

38:28 – Can I re-order the courses that show in GrooveMember 2.0?

39:34 – Will GrooveMember 2.0 have the ability to track completion of modules?

41:20 – Are there any updates on sales taxes?

42:02 – Can I add a product from GrooveKart to a Facebook shop?

43:46 – When will users be able to mail to affiliates that sign-up for Groove under their links?

49:48 – When will GrooveWebinar live, stream, and meeting be active?

52:35 – Is the link entitled “Launch Webinar #1” the one I should sue for sending a cold email from GrooveSolo Ads?

53:24 – When will Groove have a universal navigation bar?

53:35 – Where do I find all the updates I have missed?

54:03 _ How to get a light shadow at the bottom of a header or banner as I scroll through the results page?

57:10 – When is GrooveBlog going to have all the features for bloggers like sitemaps, schema markups and others?

58:10 – Can I clip and use the testimonials in the Groove-a-thon videos to promote the lifetime?

1:00:30 – Is the add to cart upsell released already?

1:03:35 – Can I have an option in single page and website templates to favorite or hide templates?

1:04:34 – Can stop sending a sequence once someone purchases and start a new one in GrooveMail?

1:05:47 – Can new memberships built in GrooveMember 2.0 be added to the portal?

1:06:01 – Do I still need to connect a third-party service to send emails through GrooveMail?

1:06:18 – How do I move pages in a domain over to funnels?

1:07:42 – Is the blog folder also moved on the new fast server?

1:08:47 – Will I be able to add pictures to lessons in GrooveMember 2.0?

1:10:40 – Is it possible to now fulfill GrooveMember memberships through a sale in GrooveKart?

1:10:56 – How to make a new site using the complete site template?

1:14:51 – Is there a way to have an opt-in contact who subscribes automatically get added to both GrooveMail and MailChimp?

1:16:32 – Is there an option in GrooveKart to send an email on the prospect’s birthday?

1:17:09 – Is GrooveKart going to integrate with GrooveMail?

1:17:52 – Will there be an updated roadmap available?

1:18:15 – Does Groove have integration with WordPress?

1:19:34 – When will the GrooveMail automation be available?

1:21:56 – Can the student at Bronze level in GrooveMember 1.0 upgrade to silver from within the membership in GrooveMember 2.0 without going through the sales process again?

1:24:10 – How can I add a video in GrooveMember by adding a YouTube link?

1:26:17 – Is there a way to get a page moved to funnel out of the pages category?

1:27:21 – Can I put my Virtual Assistant to access all the features in lifetime access?

1:28:28 – How to release specific courses to different clients in GrooveMember 2.0?

1:28:45 – When will the restrictions on the free account take effect?

1:29:08 – Is there a way to bulk import course photos?

1:31:20 – Can I have a client buy my enterprise course through GrooveMember and have 10 users be automatically created with passwords?

1:37:14 – Can the subscriptions be transferred over to Groove if I have existing memberships with WordPress plugin and product subscriptions using WooCommerce?

1:37:46 – When the upsell section is placed in Membership, can this be a cloned page or the upsell page in the hidden pages area of the funnel?

1:40:08 – Are there any videos showing how to connect Amazon SES with GrooveMail?

1:43:45 – Is it possible to have a demo version of GrooveMember?

1:44:48 – Does GrooveMail still have conditional split?

1:47:50 – Is it possible to have an update on the new GrooveKart editor and possible demo?

1:53:34 – OUTRO

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