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Thursday, March 31, 2022

[GLIVE] NEW GroovePages Feature: 404 Error Page (Demo Video)

[GLIVE] NEW GroovePages Feature: 404 Error Page (Demo Video)

SHOW: [GLIVE] NEW GroovePages Feature: 404 Error Page (Demo Video)

HOST: Simon Leung

GroovePages has a brand new feature that allows you to customize your own 404 error pages.

Learn more about what this is about, and get some creative ideas on how you can use it to your marketing advantage.

#glive #404errors #groovepages

Sign up for your free lifetime access at click here.

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GrooveAsiaLIVE - Exclusive Bonus Live Training Event Opportunity (ONLY For Active Action Takers)

GrooveAsiaLIVE - Exclusive Bonus Live Training Event Opportunity (ONLY For Active Action Takers)

SHOW: [GrooveAsiaLIVE] Exclusive Bonus Live Training Event Opportunity This Weekend (ONLY For Active Action Takers)

HOST: Simon Leung

GrooveAsia is a place full of opportunities, especially for active action takers.

Requested actions can seem like small tasks, so insignificant that they are often ignored...

But those who do them can earn private meetings, paid training and even potential partnership projects.

Whether or not you feel they are worth it is up to you.

Have you been taking the appropriate action, or simply letting time and opportunities pass you by?

For those who successfully qualified, make sure to join us to learn how to claim your "prize" scheduled for this weekend.

#grooveasialive #exclusiveopportunity #livetraining #actiontakers #grooveasia #grooveasiacm #grooveasiacrm

Sign up for your free lifetime access at click here.

Sign up for your free lifetime access at click here.

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INTRODUCTION TO COPYWRITING, A Meaningful Sale Page - Part 2/2

INTRODUCTION TO COPYWRITING, A Meaningful Sale Page - Part 2/2


A Meaningful Sales Page - Part 2/2


              A Meaningful Sales Page - Part 2/2

HOSTED BY:  Michael Kaczerginski and  Karen Allen

Learn why the next 24 hours will be the most exciting time in internet history as we make massive changes to the systems!

#grooveasia #onlinebusiness #groovedigital #grovedigitalacademy

Sign up for your free lifetime access at click here.

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INTRODUCTION TO COPYWRITING, A Meaningful Sales Page - Part 1/2

INTRODUCTION TO COPYWRITING, A Meaningful Sales Page - Part 1/2


A Meaningful Sales Page - Part 1/2


              A Meaningful Sales Page - Part 1/2

HOSTED BY:  Michael Kaczerginski and  Karen Allen

Learn why the next 24 hours will be the most exciting time in internet history as we make massive changes to the systems!

#grooveasia #onlinebusiness #groovedigital #grovedigitalacademy

Sign up for your free lifetime access at click here.

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Session 14 - How To Create A Print On Demand Store In GrooveKart From The Ground Up

Session 14 - How To Create A Print On Demand Store In GrooveKart From The Ground Up

This is session 14 of starting from 0 inside of GrooveKart where we show you everything you need to know to start your very own Print on Demand GrooveKart ecommerce store.

Sign up for your free lifetime access at

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Thursday, March 24, 2022

Creating a funnel with an Upsell and a Downsell using GrooveSell and GroovePages

Creating a funnel with an Upsell and a Downsell using GrooveSell and GroovePages

Do you want to create your funnel but would like to offer an upsell, downsell or both?

In this video you will learn how to create a funnel with GrooveSell and GroovePages, but you can use any page builder in the world when using this process of creating a funnel.

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Session 13 - How To Create A Print On Demand Store In GrooveKart From The Ground Up

Session 13 - How To Create A Print On Demand Store In GrooveKart From The Ground Up

This is session 13 of starting from 0 inside of GrooveKart where we show you everything you need to know to start your very own Print on Demand GrooveKart ecommerce store.

Sign up for your free lifetime access at

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Monday, March 21, 2022

GrooveMember V2 Update - Get Your Memberships LIVE!

GrooveMember V2 Update - Get Your Memberships LIVE!

GrooveMember V2 just got a couple of big updates that allows you to go in and create your memberships, add in members and make them available for the public. 

Join us on this live session where we show you how to fully set up your memberships and get access to your customers.

If you haven't yet, grab your free account on


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How to Create Your Membership in GrooveMember™

How to Create Your Membership in GrooveMember™

Are you planning on selling courses, ebooks, music, podcasts, or any other kind of digital products? 

Are you trying to create a place where your customers will be able to come in and use what you are selling? 

The best way to do this is through a membership portal - which can be easily created by using the platform called GrooveMember - even for free!

If you haven't yet, grab your free account on


0:00 – INTRO

4:03 – What is a membership?

5:37 – Why do I need a membership?

9:20 – Where can I get a membership platform?

10:18 – GrooveMember

15:43 – Adding the Basic Information

19:30 – Designing Your Membership

20:52 – Creating New Instructor

30:25 – Adding and Refining Elements

39:25 – Setting it up with GrooveAffiliate

44:12 – What is the hierarchy of categories in GrooveMember?

44:35 – Categories and Sub-categories in a Different System

57:07 – Enabling or Disabling Comments

58:10 – Managing Access Levels

1:04:00 – Registration Links

1:05:37 – Membership Sign-ups

1:08:59 – Can I create a mentorship program with GrooveMember?

1:09:38 – How to fix issues with managing access levels in GrooveMember?

1:10:21 – Will the comments be visible to all members?

1:10:35 – Can I convert a sub-category into a post?

1:11:24 – Which access should I choose to prevent new members from seeing content for the next module?

1:12:27 – How will someone become my affiliate if I create a course to teach something with GrooveMember?

1:20:10 – Automations with GrooveMail

1:21:34 – Testing It Out

1:24:39 – Q&A Time

1:24:43 – What extra features can be added unto membership if I use a paid account?

1:26:32 – How and where do you store the download content?

1:29:21 – Will it automatically send the welcome email to our new customers?

1:29:50 – So if I make a master course, no one else can make that course?

1:31:00 – OUTRO

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GrooveMember V2 Demo - A Look Into the Future of Membership Sites

GrooveMember V2 Demo - A Look Into the Future of Membership Sites

Join us Live at 10am EST where we'll look into the new GrooveMember V2 - where we'll show you what is going to be the future of membership sites, how it is going to work and what it will include.

Timestamps: 0:00 – INTRO 5:10 – The Sandbox Mode 11:42 – When should the users use the different versions of GrooveMember? 13:32 – GrooveMember V2 Live Demonstration (Part 1) 31:55 – Questions and Comments (Intermission) 34:06 – GrooveMember V2 Live Demonstration (Part 2) 54:20 – Q&A Time 57:10 – Can I release content based on tag assignments? 59:55 – Will I be able to track my student’s progress and will there be an automatically generated certificate? 1:01:05 – Will I be able to use Scorm content built from Articulate Storyline? 1:04:07 – What is the best thing to do if I have 5000+ members in 1 membership and 2 more memberships going live in 2 to 3 weeks? 1:06:09 – How will GrooveMember v2 work with portals that I already have? 1:06:53 – Is it possible to put in the buttons in my own wording? 1:08:42 – Can I use a repeatable image for my background instead of a color? 1:10:25 – If I am selling an eBook and I have an upsell of videos, do I have to create 2 different lessons? 1:11:01 – How will the audio content blocks work? 1:11:40 – Will the videos be hosted inside Groove that will prevent it from being downloaded? 1:12:04 – Will it link to a payment gateway that restricts access if payment is not received monthly? 1:12:21 – Will it be possible to grant prospects free access to the first module as a lead magnet? 1:12:31 – What is accordion? 1:13:17 – Can I track the percent of content completed? 1:14:59 – Could I have the ability to configure the button in GrooveMember to link a page or module in the membership area? 1:17:29 – Will GrooveMember have a code embed if I want to do a custom HTML/CSS? 1:19:20 – Can I use memberships as a career portal? 1:21:10 – What is the difference between chapter and module? 1:23:10 – Can you show sections inside a course based on tags? 1:24:36 – Is there any option to delete members from a membership listing? 1:25:20 – OUTRO

Sign up for your free lifetime access at


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GrooveMember V2 Update - New Access Levels and Other Updates

GrooveMember V2 Update - New Access Levels and Other Updates

Here's a list of all the things that were released recently: 


- New Access level management

- Login screen templates and customization

- Functionality that enables sorting of membership pages on navigation through drag handles

- Drop-down to change the theme/and theme customization on membership/courses page

- Stand alone website feature for GrooveMember V2

- Added filters, categories and search for videos in Courses


- Lessons are now draggable between chapters and modules

- Cloning modules, chapters and lesson with image settings and styling

- Course rearranging drag and drop

- Login button animation


- Lesson Naming issue

- Tiles ratio responsiveness issues 

- Login template image option missing

- Success" and "Successfully" spelling

- Welcome tab on the Edit Wizard on V1 membership

- The tile images and instructor images bug

- Issue with the Checklist section grid-list icon

- The sentences in membership outline are going past the boundary

- Adding bullet point is reducing the size of the text

- The horizontal scroll on mobile view

- Broken Vimeo videos

- Custom color settings on headers are not being saved when the style is changed

- The download component icons were missing

- Hyperlinks don't work on the published membership

Coming soon

- Hide option for access levels

- Course Draft mode

- New membership dashboard UI (quick access)

- Global course library

- Global instructors

- Better offer builder (ability to add sections)

- Speed and loader improvements

...and a bunch of fixes

Sign up for your free lifetime access at


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GrooveMember V2 Access Levels Training

GrooveMember V2 Access Levels Training

Sign up for your free lifetime access at


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GrooveMember v2 Sandbox Update

GrooveMember v2 Sandbox Update

Here's the list of changes for this update:

- Video Component - Video library and Adding External videos

- Cloning options for Chapters, Lessons and Modules

- Delete option for Chapters, Lessons and Modules

- Delete option on canvas for Videos


- Adding a Lesson image through the edit button

- The + (plus) option for adding more content to the canvas

- Button element improvements with alignment and colors


- Various typos in the membership area and the URL

- Header and Footer colors not saving 

- New content not being saved on the canvas

- Add Section modal on a blank canvas is not visible fully

Sign up for your free lifetime access at


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[GLIVE] GrooveMember 2.0 Access Levels Update & Training (Tutorial Videos Available)

[GLIVE] GrooveMember 2.0 Access Levels Update & Training (Tutorial Videos Available)

Sign up for your free lifetime access at

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GrooveMember update 20th of May 2021

GrooveMember update 20th of May 2021

Information about this update: 

- Get login URL is merged with the Login As options

- Language translations to Portuguese

- Removed the drag dots from Home category and renamed it to Welcome

- The down arrow icon in the content menu should open the content menu

- Tooltip on hover should show the full name of the category or post


- After deleting the access level the users are still able to access it

- Portal/membership emails with login credentials are not working

Sign up for your free lifetime access at


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GrooveMember V2 and GrooveMail Walkthrough

GrooveMember V2 and GrooveMail Walkthrough

See how to become an email marketing pro and manage leads, tags, segments, automations, and more in GrooveMail. Content Delivery Made Easy See how our new GrooveMember 2.0 lets you manage your content easily and securely behind password protection. Timestamps: 0:00 – INTRO 10:14 – Diving into GrooveMember (Guided Demonstration) 13:43 – What is a Membership and how does it work? 22:40 – Building Out a Membership in GrooveMember 2.0 28:40 – New Importers 30:04 – Designing Themes and Templates to Match Your Brand 56:10 – Making Courses and Modules 1:18:30 – Mapping out why you need course access levels 1:37:40 – Comments and Questions 1:41:23 – What is a portal used for? 1:50:34 – Intermission 1:55:45 – Diving into GrooveMail (Guided Demonstration) 1:56:12 – History of Email and Auto-Responders 2:13:48 – Contacts 2:15:58 – Lists, Tags, and Categories 2:32:07 – Recipients and Broadcast Content 2:32:38 – The Email Builder and Templates 2:56:43 – Sequences 3:05:53 – Automations 3:27:24 – Final Comments and Questions 3:36:47 – OUTRO

Sign up for your free lifetime access at


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[GLIVE] GrooveMember 2.0: Update Announcement (SNEAK PEEK Live Demo By Mike Filsaime)

[GLIVE] GrooveMember 2.0: Update Announcement (SNEAK PEEK Live Demo By Mike Filsaime)

SHOW: [GLIVE] GrooveMember 2.0: Update Announcement (SNEAK PEEK Live Demo By Mike Filsaime)

HOST: Simon Leung

Have you heard about the upcoming update for GrooveMember 2.0?

This will soon be replacing GrooveMember 1.0 and will be a huge change in the Groove software.

Join us to watch a sneak peek live demo from Mike Filsaime.

Sign up for your free lifetime access at


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GrooveMember Update for Handling Delivery of Files

GrooveMember Update for Handling Delivery of Files

Sign up for your free lifetime access at 

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GrooveMember Update 30th of April 2021

GrooveMember Update 30th of April 2021

Here's the information about this update:


- Custom domain settings for Portals

- Custom domain settings for Memberships


- Portal responsiveness

- Builder breaks when the user drags the home page down and use it as a normal category


- Progress bar toggle not working properly

- In certain cases the menu name is missing

- Portal landing page mismatch


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GrooveMember Update 5th of April 2021

GrooveMember Update 5th of April 2021

Information about the GrooveMember deployment: 


- Favicon option

- Log in as Admin/User to

- Common component functionality and faster loading pages


- Mobile responsiveness of GrooveMember memberships from the visitors point of view


- Big chunks of CSS were getting added when GrooveSell or GrooveVideo embeds were added to a membership (all memberships were updated with the newest fix and no need to do any extra steps)


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How to Connect Your Custom Domain to GrooveMember - 30th of April

How to Connect Your Custom Domain to GrooveMember - 30th of April

Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 0:45 - Custom domain with Memberships 4:37 - Custom Subdomain with Memberships 7:34 - Custom domain with Portals 9:52 - Custom Subdomain with Portals 11:55 - Outro


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GrooveMember Deployment 14th of April 2021

GrooveMember Deployment 14th of April 2021

Information about the update:


- Clone Membership Functionality

- Export members option


- Ability to show more members on the screen at once

- "Remember Me" option on the login page keeps users logged in for 30 days


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Groove-A-Thon - Day 6 - GrooveBlog, GrooveMember and GrooveVideo

Groove-A-Thon - Day 6 - GrooveBlog, GrooveMember and GrooveVideo

Day 6 is meant to introduce and show you the power of the content delivery platforms of Groove - GrooveBlog, GrooveMember and GrooveVideo. Learn the ins and outs of the platforms, what they were created for and what the future holds. Join us on Monday, the 12th of July at 11am EST/ 8am PST / 3pm GMT to learn everything out about GrooveBlog, GrooveMember and GrooveVideo. Timestamps: 0:00 – INTRO 9:12 – Agenda 10:26 – GrooveVideo 21:19 – Video Hosting and Encoding Settings 23:01 – Video Library and Analytics 25:42 – Future Development 34:28 – GrooveVideo Guided Demonstration 1:02:50 – Intermission 1:07:11 – Questions for GrooveVideo 1:32:11 – GrooveBlog 1:55:42 – Creating a Blog 1:57:21 – Themes and Customization 1:58:20 – Blog Settings 2:00:47 – Categories and Posts 2:04:23 – Optimization 2:06:21 – Future Development 2:16:47 – GrooveBlog Guided Demonstration Part 1 3:11:11 – GrooveBlog Guided Demonstration Part 2 3:52:46 – Intermission 4:03:34 – GrooveMember 4:05:55 – What is a membership website? 4:07:18 – Why use a membership site? 4:18:10 – What can I share in a membership site? 4:19:05 – Access Levels and Strategy 4:23:58 – Membership Home Page 4:26:53 – Comments 4:37:25 – GrooveMember Benefits 4:40:00 – Upcoming GrooveMember Features 4:41:48 – Putting It All Together 4:48:34 – Intermission 4:50:50 – GrooveMember Guided Demonstration 5:41:46 – GrooveMember Comments and Questions 5:58:44 – Butterfly Marketing 6:07:32 – OUTRO


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